{ "commands": { "/file-status": { "args": { "offset": "row offset, must be a number equal to or greater than 0", "count": "count of rows to fetch", "acc": "comma-separated list of accessions", "file_name": "file name pattern (see sql like operator)", "from_date": "upload date lower bound", "to_date": "upload date upper bound", "status": "status value", "auth": "authentication key, you can get it from 'WebCubbyUser' browser cookie after logging in at https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/account", "columns": "comma-separated list of columns to output", "format": "output format, can be one of: tsv, html, csv, json (default)" }, "description": "returns status of a source file" }, "/acc-mirroring": { "args": { "offset": "row offset, must be a number equal to or greater than 0", "count": "count of rows to fetch", "acc": "comma-separated list of accessions", "sub": "comma-separated list of submissions", "type": "type of accessions to fetch", "from_date": "last update lower bound", "to_date": "last update upper bound", "status": "accession status filter", "insdc": "accession visibility filter", "columns": "comma-separated list of columns to output", "format": "output format, can be one of: tsv, sqlite, html, csv, json (for bulk dumps please note that sqlite is the least efficient format)" }, "description": "returns mirroring information for accession, requires special permissions" }, "/acc-status": { "args": { "offset": "row offset, must be a number equal to or greater than 0", "count": "count of rows to fetch", "acc": "comma-separated list of accessions", "sub": "comma-separated list of submissions", "alias": "alias pattern (see sql like operator)", "from_date": "last update lower bound", "to_date": "last update upper bound", "status": "status value", "auth": "authentication key, you can get it from 'WebCubbyUser' browser cookie after logging in at https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/account", "columns": "comma-separated list of columns to output", "format": "output format, can be one of: tsv, sqlite, html, csv, json (for bulk dumps please note that sqlite is the least efficient format)" }, "description": "returns status of an accession" } }, "version": "0.1.16", "description": [ "commands return various information about objects in SRA database", "most commands require authentication, you will be redirected to login page if you're not authenticated, to use from command line pass 'auth' argument", "each command has a bunch of filtering arguments, which can be used to choose which rows you want to fetch", "each command has paging arugments 'count' and 'offset' wich can be used to specify a range of rows to fetch (there is a limit on count of rows that can be fetched in a single call)", "each command has 'columns' argument which can be used to specify which columns you want to fetch", "each command has 'format' argument which can be used to specify output format" ] }